Jumpstart Your Writing Skills, Get Published, And Skyrocket Your Exposure - Effortlessly!


Composio is an innovative solution designed to supercharge your writing career. This one-of-a-kind platform is created to assist you at every stage of the writing process, whether your book is already out there and needs some marketing help, or you've yet to write the first page.



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Are You Ready to self-publish a book. Keep reading, we have more to tell you!

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The Three Steps to Getting Your Book Out

Composio was created to help streamline the entire book creation process!



  • Take time out to write / Make a schedule to write consistently

  • We have writing software that optimizes your books for printing or ebook format.

  • Figure out what you want to write

  • Collaborate and write with others

  • Professional editing is a necessity


  • You have a finished book (congrats!), let’s help you get published with a few clicks.

  • E-books vs Printed books

  • What is an ISBN? Get one provided by us

  • Is Your Book Copyrighted? We can help!

  • Make sure you have a professional cover, we can help!

  • Publish to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple iBooks and more

  • Are you an indie publisher with titles ready to upload? We can help!


  • Do you want to use the marketing tools Composio offers? We can help!

  • Take book excerpts and let your audience give you feedback!

  • Use our E-mail marketing tools to build your list and keep them updated on your book.

  • Use our social media marketing tools to connect with, engage and grow your online book audience.


Self-Publishing Tools For Success


Access the same products and services enjoyed by big-time publishers—superb quality and industry connections backed by decades of experience—from one award-winning self-publishing platform.

Professional Editing

Professional Editing



Design Services

Design Services

E-book Conversion

E-book Conversion

Print on Demand

Print on Demand




The Many Faces of Self-Publishing

Choose your self-publishing journey by deciding which describes you best

The Beginner

  • You haven’t written a book before

  • You have had a book idea for years but haven’t gotten around to writing it

  • You want to know where to start

The Indie Author

  • You have a finished book (congrats!)

  • You want to publish and market quickly

  • You need to decide what book type you want

The Professional

  • You're an indie publisher with titles ready to upload

  • You already know how to write a book but you want to use the marketing tools Composio offers.


But Wait... There's More

We are not just creating a platform that is a one time publishing solution, we are creating a platform that will help you become the author you always wanted to be. We have always wanted to bring technology to the authoring process to create an innovative soltuion that was easy for any author. Here are some of our upcoming initiatives...
Customized Smart Templates

Many books are formulaic, therefore we provide you with smart templates that give you a layout and format to get started on your book. As you continue to use our templates, they will learn what arrangements work best for the type of book you want to write and how to best help you finish your book as quickly as possible.
Platform that Learns

Our platform wants to help you write better, faster and smarter. As you write, the platform is learning what you are writing (based on your template selection) and how you write. This will help the platform give you suggestions on how to better complete your literary works of art.
Automated Marketing Solutions

Our team is taking the best selling marketing strategies that we have created and turning them into automated marketing features. We are creating one-click marketing solutions that help take your finished book and turn it into a bestseller.